Online Counseling & Therapy | Telehealth
Individual Counseling & Therapy, Couples Therapy, & Marriage Counseling | Columbia, MO
“Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.”
What is Online Counseling & Telehealth?
We wanted to start this page with a question to clarify things for you, just in case. First and foremost, online counseling is frequently (if not almost always) referred to as “telehealth.” Just to make sure that we’re on the same page.
Secondly, online counseling/telehealth is just that–it’s counseling that’s done online. This is about 99.5% of the time done through a secure video platform. By secure, we mean something that’s trustworthy and able to maintain confidentiality and privacy, both of which are crucial for us (and for you, we assume).
There are some veeeeerryyyy rare instances where online counseling/telehealth is done through a phone call. That is hardcore an exception and only done in cases where video platforms aren’t working.
Online Counseling & Telehealth = Counseling!!
Online counseling/telehealth is, quite literally, one modality or way of doing counseling and therapy. And that’s just it. It’s a way for you to receive individual counseling & therapy or couples therapy & marriage counseling from one of the awesome clinicians on our team. No less, no more.
It’s not a fake approach to doing good work. It’s not a cheat. It’s not a way to avoid depth. It’s simply a way to engage in counseling with a trained professional who deeply cares about your growth as a client (and person).
Who is online counseling & telehealth geared towards?
Well, our short answer is anybody. I know, I know, I can hear you now: “laaaaame, give us a real answer!” That is for real, though. Anybody who wants to do online counseling/telehealth is who this is geared towards. In a more logistical way, it might be helpful for you to use this modality if you find yourself nodding along with any of the scenarios below.
A really tight schedule that allows for very little flexibility
Physical issues that get in the way of commuting or literal comfort in the office
A schedule that entails a lot of in-state travel (but makes it hard to be in person for a consistent set time or date)
Higher levels of comfort through a computer (or phone) screen
During periods of medication that gets in the way of travel
During stay at home orders for infectious diseases with no current vaccine (#covid19)
This list is not exhaustive. Of course there are other reasons why people might be more inclined to do online counseling/telehealth rather than in-person visits, but this is just one set of reasons.
What sorts of services can I receive through online counseling/telehealth?
Another great question, my friend. You can receive any service via this avenue! Seriously, anything that we offer, you can receive.
OR services can be for couples therapy & marriage counseling work and center around:
Conflict (excessive or non-existent!)
Wanting a Gottman Method approach
Not talking to each other
This probably goes without saying, but these are not exhaustive lists!! And if there’s any sort of issue that you’re specifically inquiring about (or hoping to find when reading the lists above), please don’t hesitate to at least email us directly to ask whether we a) work with said issue, or b) know of a good referral for said issue. It’s legitimately our pleasure to help you find the best fit counselor for you and we wish anybody well on their counseling and therapeutic journey.
How should I prepare for my online counseling/telehealth?
Easy. Emotionally and mentally, you’d prepare in the exact same way you’d prepare for an in-person session. Get into a headspace of sharing, processing, piecing together the puzzle pieces of your life, and getting feedback (i.e., questions, paraphrasing, validation) from your clinician.
Physically, though? It does look a little bit different. On one hand, you don’t have to prep for any car time, which can be a bonus. On the other, you need to make sure that you’ve got good internet connection with a computer you’re using or a space where you can access your phone to use the telehealth feature in our patient portal, TherapyPortal. We’d also recommend headphones and a private space. Headphones are optional, of course. A private space, though? Meh, not so optional. It’s hard to do real and necessary work when folks feel self-conscious about what they’re saying based on a lack of privacy.
Aside from the physical distinctions between online counseling/telehealth and in-person counseling, it’s exceedingly similar in the actual experience. You should leave each session feeling seen, heard, understood, pushed to grow and reflect on yourself, a little bit tender from being vulnerable, and with a renewed sense of “I got this.” Not every time and not every session, of course, but that’s the ultimate goal. We want you (long-term, especially) to leave feeling better, more grounded, and more aware than when you came.
I’ve got more questions about online counseling/telehealth.
That’s fine, too! You can read our telehealth faqs page or you can email us directly. Both are fine options.
I’ve got no questions. I just want to know how to start!
Also fine! You can do the same, though. Reach out to us directly via email, click the button below to submit your info via the contact form, or give us a ring at (573) 586-3204. We’re happy to get you set up with services and look forward to talking with you!