Who Do I go to for…
Individual Counselors & Therapists, Couples Therapists, Marriage Counselors, & Online Counselors
Columbia, Mo
We want you to get in contact with the right person at any given point in time. If you’re interested in asking general questions, want to schedule, have an issue with billing, or more, then you can use this page to figure out the fastest way to contact the right person. And if you’re not sure and/or end up going to the “wrong” person, no biggie - we’ll still make sure you get the information you need. We love helping folks in any way we can.
Fill out our contact form
Call us at 573-586-3204 and listen for the “scheduling a first session” extension.
I have general questions about services.
Fill out our contact form
Call us at 573-586-3204 and listen for the “general questions” extension.
I have a billing question or issue.
Email us at billing@thecounselinghub.com
Call us at 573-586-3204 and listen for the “billing” extension.