Well, this is embarrassing…
We’re not sure how you ended up here, but are hopeful that the links below will get you where you need to go!
Contact Us to Schedule
As easy as it sounds. Enter your information in our contact form and we’ll get back to you asap!
Couples/Relationship Counseling
Do a little research about our relationship counseling approach (#WeLoveRelationships).
Individual Therapy/Counseling
Here for yourself or a loved one? No problem. You can read more about that here!
Still not finding what you’re looking for?! Maybe this will help…
Long and short answer is maybe. We wish we could give you a definitive answer to this question, but we can’t. Otherwise we’d be liars, and that’s obviously worse than honesty from the outset. What we can do is talk to you about what we know makes for effective/successful/good counseling and then you can decide from there whether or not you think this will work for you! Read more here!
Find a counselor who is transparent! Our philosophy (or our approach) at The Counseling Hub is that we 'show up' as much as you do. This does not (absolutely no way) mean that we burden you with our problems, cry on your shoulder, or use you as our own therapist. No way. What this does mean, however, is that we don't have hidden agendas for you. If we have questions to ask you, they're not going to be coming from a place of manipulation or (again) with a hidden motive in mind. They're going to be genuine, in-the-moment questions for you to reflect on and, hopefully, gain some insight from. Read more here!