What Is Relationship Burnout?

New relationships can be thrilling. The spark and energy that come from people coming together and forming a bond is unique and special. The early days in a relationship can feel like a whirlwind: long phone calls, constant messaging, and exciting dates create lasting memories.

Relationships that continue for an extended time become stronger. They also require continued care and energy to remain healthy. Life is all about change, and relationships change along with it—it's normal for relationships to go through ups and downs.

Relationship burnout is something that can take partners by surprise, and it isn't a pleasant experience. Read on to learn more about relationship burnout and how to recover from it.

What Is Relationship Burnout?

Relationship burnout describes the time when one or more partners become emotionally exhausted by their relationship. In some ways, it's similar to career burnout, which is more widely known. Relationship burnout can leave a partner feeling distant or disconnected from their partner. They might even start to question the quality of their relationship or wonder if the relationship is over.

The Cause

There isn't one specific cause of relationship burnout. This type of burnout can occur for a variety of reasons, but some relationship factors are more likely to contribute. Below are some of the more common experiences of partners with relationship burnout:

  • Constant arguing

  • Chronic stress

  • Feelings of disconnection

  • Financial stress

  • Loss of independence

  • Not feeling appreciated or prioritized

  • Personality differences

  • Poor communication

The Signs

Burnout can feel like it comes out of nowhere, but the truth is that this isn't something that just happens overnight. It builds over time until it starts to feel unbearable. Here are some of the most common signs of relationship burnout:

  • Being easily distracted when interacting with your partner

  • Daydreaming about ending things or leaving your partner

  • Experiencing more stress than relief from the relationship

  • Feeling disconnected from your partner

  • Feeling attracted to someone else

  • Feeling emotionally exhausted

  • Fewer inside jokes with your partner

  • Fighting more often than normal

  • Less interest in being intimate with your partner

  • Not wanting to spend time with your partner

How to Move Forward

Fortunately, relationship burnout doesn't always signal the end of a relationship. If you and your partner are willing to put in the time and work, you can reignite the spark and heal your relationship. Here are some ways that you and your partner can work together to move forward.

Practice Self-Care

It's difficult to truly love someone else until you love yourself. It can be hard to focus on yourself when you're worried about your relationship, but it's necessary to fill your own cup in order to fully show up for your partner.

Make sure you're practicing self-care so that your needs are taken care of. Fuel your body properly with healthy and well-balanced meals, aim for at least eight hours of sleep each night, and find ways throughout your day to rest, relax, and recharge.

Be Open and Honest

It may seem easier to just bottle up how you're actually feeling, but this is counterproductive. Repressing emotions can lead to the relationship becoming even more disconnected.

Instead, be open and honest with your partner about how you're feeling. This type of honesty can build trust, which is an essential quality of a healthy relationship and a great start to recovering from burnout.

Seek Additional Support

Sometimes an outside third party is a great way to provide a fresh look into your relationship. Working with a mental health professional will allow you and your partner to be in a safe, judgment-free zone to discuss the ins and outs of your relationship. Reach out today to know more about couples therapy and get started.


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