Overcoming Anxiety: Understanding, Causes, and Management Techniques | The Counseling Hub
anxiety, individual counseling Tara Vossenkemper anxiety, individual counseling Tara Vossenkemper

Overcoming Anxiety: Understanding, Causes, and Management Techniques | The Counseling Hub

Do I have anxiety? What is anxiety? What does anxiety feel like? What causes anxiety? How to calm anxiety? If you find yourself asking these questions, you are not alone. Anxiety is a common experience that affects millions of people worldwide. It can manifest in different ways, including panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder. Understanding anxiety, its causes, and how to manage it can help you live a more fulfilling life.

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Finding the Right Anxiety Therapist in Jefferson City: The Counseling Hub Comes Highly Recommended
anxiety Tara Vossenkemper anxiety Tara Vossenkemper

Finding the Right Anxiety Therapist in Jefferson City: The Counseling Hub Comes Highly Recommended

When it comes to seeking support for anxiety-related issues, finding the right therapist can make all the difference in your journey towards healing and personal growth. If you're in or around Jefferson City and looking for a highly recommended anxiety therapist near you, look no further than The Counseling Hub.

With its exceptional reputation and compassionate approach, The Counseling Hub has become a primary resource for individuals seeking professional guidance and support.

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Online Counseling/Online Therapy for Anxiety

Online Counseling/Online Therapy for Anxiety

And with all that said, there’s also the whole philosophical stance that anxiety is a normal part of the human experience!!!

Big hint for you (if it’s not obvious) is that our online counseling/online therapy approach embraces this, much in the same way our in-person counseling/therapy does. Basically, anxiety is embedded in our DNA. It’s part of being alive and relishing the life you live. To have zero anxiety is a pretty big (and improbable) ask. To have a level that’s able to be joyfully lived with? That’s more realistic (and still hard for some people to attain).

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How Can I Learn to Love Myself?

How Can I Learn to Love Myself?

Every single person, including you, are worth loving. Second, many people have been in the boat that you’re in–feeling defeated and sad. But there’s always time to change. Learning to love yourself may take a while as you may find yourself not believing the new things you’re telling yourself, but with time, you will find that you’re loveable and you can love yourself. 

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What to Do If You Want to Make A Change In Your Life

What to Do If You Want to Make A Change In Your Life

I wish there was one magical thing I could say that would make making changes easier–but I can’t. Making changes or working through transitions can be scary, even if we know that they could benefit us in various ways, there is something comforting about consistency. What happens when you think you want to make a transition but aren’t sure? Here you’ll read a bit about how to consider all options, remember change is typically never final, and learn a bit about the process of change.

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First Time Parenting & Your Mental Health

First Time Parenting & Your Mental Health

Whether your have been preparing for several years to be a parent or you were caught by surprise, first time parenting can be intimidating. You may not know what to expect because every one may be telling you different things. You may have been told conflicting things like infancy is exhausting or that it’s the easiest stage since all they do is sleep. One thing is for certain: you’re overwhelmed with love and other emotions

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Sustaining Change When I Have Let Myself Down

Sustaining Change When I Have Let Myself Down

Think about it: have you ever started something by saying to yourself I will just do half of this thing I really want to do and then tell myself I am not *insert negative self-talk here*. I don’t think so. So what stops people from finishing things they have started? Time, energy, mental space, emotional space, falling into old habits, familiarity, really the list is endless. What happens when you’ve let yourself down and you want to try to commit to a life change again? How can you overcome your self-defeating thoughts and behaviors to reach your goal?

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Alcohol Awareness Month
anxiety, friendship, depression, self-growth Guest User anxiety, friendship, depression, self-growth Guest User

Alcohol Awareness Month

Fortunately for us, April is National Alcohol Awareness Month!  You may be thinking to yourself, “Okay, I understand what alcohol is, why do we need a whole month recognizing what it’s all about?”  Well, when we think about alcohol in terms of how it interacts with our society, relationships, health, and processing—we would probably still be talking beyond the month of April. 

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