Strengthening Your Relationship: The Benefits of Marriage Counseling with The Counseling Hub in Jefferson City, Missouri

Strengthening Your Relationship: The Benefits of Marriage Counseling with The Counseling Hub in Jefferson City, Missouri

One of the primary benefits of marriage counseling is improved communication. Many couples struggle with expressing their thoughts and feelings in a constructive way, which can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and resentment. Worse than that, these hurts can build up over time and, if left unaddressed, wreak havoc on the satisfaction and health of the people within the relationship.

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Finding a Couples Therapist Near You: Unlocking the Power of Marriage Counseling in Jefferson City, MO
relationship counseling Tara Vossenkemper relationship counseling Tara Vossenkemper

Finding a Couples Therapist Near You: Unlocking the Power of Marriage Counseling in Jefferson City, MO

Marriage can be a beautiful journey, but it's not always without its challenges.

When conflicts arise, seeking the guidance of a professional couples therapist can be the key to finding harmony and strengthening your bond. If you're in Jefferson City, MO, and searching for a couples therapist near you, this blog will guide you through the process.

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Online Counseling for Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling

Online Counseling for Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling

Online couples therapy and marriage counseling, in particular, looks different than individual online counseling, though. If you want a way more detailed version, you might be more interested to read this overview of what you can expect from couples therapy work, but I’ll still hit the highlights for you right here.

Here are a few things you can expect from online couples therapy and marriage counseling:

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My Friend is Driving Me Crazy - What Do I Do?!

My Friend is Driving Me Crazy - What Do I Do?!

We focus on relationships at The Counseling Hub, but when we talk about relationships, we’re not specifically talking about romantic relationships or intimate partnerships. The term relationship implies relationships of any kind. And, much like with partnerships, relationships contain their own set of problems.

Here are three things you can do if you have a friendship with somebody who is currently driving you crazy (colloquially speaking). 

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Stonewalling - Horsemen 3/4

Stonewalling - Horsemen 3/4

And it’s on to the next one. Stonewalling, my friends. This is the third horseman of the four. This one is pretty interesting, though, in that there’s some physiology that’s at play.

This is the long and short of what happens.

Partners A and B start having a discussion with heart rates around 70 beats per minute (average). It shifts into a conflict discussion/argument/disagreement. Partner A’s heart rate jumps to 80 beats per minute the second the conversation heats up. Partner B’s heart rate has gone up to about 74.

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