I love reflecting. More than that, I love hearing others reflect. It’s kind of like “story time”. I have worked with kids for the vast majority of my life, so imagine the amount of stories I listen to. Listening to my own story, told by myself, is a bit of a challenge. We are our own worst critic. Nobody knows me better than I do. So, reflecting on myself has taken me a little while to put to words. There’s just so much!
Reflection Over The Year: Tim
As I reflect back on 2018, I realize that this past year has brought about many changes to my life. Growth happens to be the word that comes to mind most often during my reflections. This happened in many parts of my life and I couldn’t be more pleased. Growing responsibilities, family, and realizations of my priorities have completely changed the way I view my life. This is difficult, as well as fulfilling.
Where is the Love: LGBTQ+ Stigma, Hatred, and Violence
Have you ever thought what it would be like to not be accepted for who you are? Have you had someone give you funny looks as you kiss your loved one? Sometimes, people wonder if that is because people were never taught any differently, or because they have hatred in their heart. I am here to tell you it can be for numerous reasons and not just the two above.
The "Coming out" process
Anxiety is the Devil
Anxiety Sucks
People describe it as being stuck inside their own personal hell. And there's a lot of truth to that. It's an endless stream of thoughts about worst-case scenarios, what-ifs, past events where you may have said that one thing wrong, and 10 years in the future when xyz might happen. It's incessant.
And exhausting.